Revolutionizing Trading with Collective Wisdom and Autonomous AI

Black and white image of mountain




As a community our combined knowledge is our greatest power.

$AIM allows users to hold only one token ($AIM) and still benefit from holding a full portfolio of community chosen and vetted projects.

Our custom trained PAAL AI LLM Bot will assist us in creating the ultimate trading strategy based on OUR collective knowledge and input. You can also use /aim to summarize missed chats, research tokens and other topics, and even /roast other users in the chat!

Trading Bot:

When staking contract is live users will be able to stake both $AIM or an AIM/ETH pair to provide liquidity for the community trading bot

Bot will deploy liquidity as community/ai programs and profits will be shared back to holders based on their % of staking.

black and white image of space
rocks boulders in desert landscape
desert landscape

37.76224° N
122.41464° W

Join The telegram

The most powerful tool we have is our collective knowledge

We feed the bot and it feeds us.

Contract Live on Uniswap:


taxes 3% in / 3% out

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